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Suomalainen Menestysresepti, Episode 5, Production and Risk Assessment. I won this one!!!

Can you believe I don’t remember winning in this episode…? 😳😳 I am serious! It was a nice surprise to watch it yesterday!!

Looking back, I realize that when we were shooting this episode, I was going through the most stressful time of this competition. I was running out of time, I had to have a brand and I was really struggling with that. So, preparing for the production and risk assessment, where I had to use my best quality, RESEARCH, did not scare me… to the point that I don’t even remember it.

This episode was filmed in May, when I also established officially my company: Probitat Oy! Another stressful (nightmare) process!! Btw, I became an expert so feel free to ask me if you need help 😉

Anyway, the point is that I can ensure you that stress can cause memory lost!! 😆😆

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