And the day arrived! Tomorrow 12.8.2019 Mo’zumo will be, for the first time ever, for sale!! Mo’zumo will be available in S-markets and Prismas all over Finland!! Like a mother is excited and emotional when our kids start school, I feel the same about Mo’zumo being in the supermarkets! My camera is ready to take photos and share them, as the proud “mother” I am.
Tomorrow, a new phase starts. Technically, I have already sold the products to the supermarkets but… are consumer’s really going to like Mo’zumo? Are they going to buy them? I can’t wait to find out!
During Suomalainen Menestysresepti, the food competition Mo’zumo participated, I was given very useful advises that definitely made Mo’zumo better. One advise was to change the name (again). Apparently, Mo’zumo is a name that doesn’t say anything about the product to the Finnish consumers.
I decided to keep the name. That made me loose, for sure, some points in the competition and probably risk winning the competition but I stand by this name. I like it, I think it is different, I believe consumers are ready for something different and Mo’zumo is all about being different, it is all about being MORE.
The name means something:
MO’ represents MORE
ZUMO means JUICE in Spanish.
Result: MO’ZUMO! Because it is MORE THAN A ZUMO!
Being an entrepreneur is all about taking decisions and I took the decision to keep the name. I might be wrong but sometimes you have to follow your gut. Now, only time will say.