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Suomalainen Menestysresepti, The Grand Finale! First of all, CONGRATULATIONS Anssi&team!! You did a great job from the beginning and that pay off at the end!!

As it was shown in this episode, it was a long and tough journey for all of us. An incredible journey that I got to share with wonderful people. The day of the grand finale was very emotional for me. The end of an amazing experience in all senses. It never really felt like a competition but more like a growth journey that I share with amazing people. The beauty was that we, finalists, were all very different. We had very different products but we were also very different people. And it was great to go through this journey together.

I was asked what was the best of participating in this competition. Personally, getting to know everybody that was involved, from the “unique” Jyrki Sukula and the other judges, that really care about getting us and our products better, till the production people, camera guys and journalists involved. Professionally, to realize how much work it takes to have a product ready. How naïve I was to think that mine was ready at the beginning of this year! Nobody can erase that from me now. And I am definitely much better prepared for the next!

I want to believe that it was also a transition for me from being a pure scientist to becoming a bit more commercially orientated. Research and product development will always be the core of my strength. But I know now how to reach the consumers. Because at the end, that is all that matters to me.

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